Titus Perry
There is something to be said for the beauty and great health of a dedicated meditator. Many who partake in the practice consistently and over time, have subjectively reported better moods, more energy, healthier skin, clearer thinking, and even less gray hair. But is there any objective research to provide evidence for why this may be? Or if it's even due to meditation/mindfulness at all?
Well, there certainly are, and the reasons for this are absolutely astounding!
Meditation and BDNF
"BDNF", what is it, what does it do, and why should you care? Before we dive in let's answer the former first and in doing so perhaps it'll answer the latter as well. BDNF is short for (brain derived neurotrophic factor). This is critical to both long and short-term memory, learning, and supporting complex thinking. These are things that all too often (yet most times prevent ably) decline for many as we enter our twilight years. BDNF acts to proliferate growth of new neurons and synapses (involved in plastic changes related to learning and memory), while simultaneously protecting and preserving existing ones. It is an incredibly potent growth factor for the brain, so much so you could almost refer to it as the master molecule of the brain. Many refer to it as fertilizer for the brain.
Low levels of brain derived neurotrophic factor are tightly linked to all forms of cognitive impairment including, Demetia, Huntington's, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's. BDNF decreases naturally as a function of time (in other words getting older), though there are steps one can take to preserve as much of this master molecule as possible and even to a degree regain some of it.
If the answer you're hoping for are in the forms of pills, capsules, powders, or tablets, I am sorry to disappoint but that is not much of an option when it comes to this. BDNF is not sold as a supplement, as of now pulling that off would be almost impossible. Though there are some supplements that do boost BDNF production endogenously, like omega-3 fatty acids https://rb.gy/ets8qb as well as curcumin https://rb.gy/fdaklr. Though, the benefits of these are relatively mild in comparison to what one particular daily habit can do. That daily habit... is meditation.
Meditation boosts BDNF upwards of 280%
Research conducted in 2017 at the University of Southern California found that individuals taken on a 90-day yoga and meditation retreat self-reported a decrease in anxiety and depressive symptoms as well as an increase in mindfulness. This study https://rb.gy/ay7m1d also was able to demonstrate meditation's ability to lower plasma (blood) levels of pro-inflammatory markers such as cytokine interleukin-12 and simultaneously increase the anti-inflammatory marker cytokine interleukin-10. It also lowered resting cortisol levels, and much more. This is a clear demonstration of using meditation to help heal the body and brain.
With this, meditation helps to keep you young, happy, and healthy well into old age while protecting you from age related neurodegenerative disease.
Meditation lengthens telomeres
What are telomeres exactly? By definition, "telomeres are structures made from DNA sequences and proteins found at the end of other structures". Those "structures" that are being referred to most specifically are chromosomes. Telomeres sit at the very end of a chromosome as a protective cover for each leg of both the "X" and "Y". The most commonly used analogy being that they are essentially like the end of a shoelace, and overtime as these telomere structures accumulate more and more damage, they get shorter and shorter leaving the chromosomes AKA "the shoelace" (DNA) more susceptible to harm, reducing cell turnover (renewal and replication), and inducing quicker cell death. These mechanisms exist in all organisms regardless of size and complexity.
The cell breakdown that occurs from this process are most evident in areas of the body most dependent on cell renewal, with the immune system, skin, and hair being particularly susceptible to this. Now that you kind of know what telomeres are and how they work, let's talk about what makes these structures so important and how regular meditation practice strengthens them.
How does meditation lengthen telomeres?
It has been proven multiple times over in research that meditation can not only halt telomere shortening, but it can actually lengthen telomeres! Essentially reversing aging to some degree. It was found by Dr. Dean Ornish that meditation is capable of disrupting and shutting down the processes associated with cancer development, nullifying its progression and helping to send the dreaded disease into remission.
What is telomerase?
Meditation helps to achieve this through its ability to increase telomerase. Telomerase in an enzyme that adds DNA to cells allowing them to improve upon the length and durability of a telomere, thus further protecting our DNA underneath. Every single time a cell divides it loses a very small amount of DNA which, overtime, leads to shorter and shorter telomeres and leaving our own DNA more exposed. This is the reason that tissues that are highly dependent on cellular renewal (skin, hair, immune system, etc.) are the first areas in which aging and weakening can be seen. This also applies to the other end of the spectrum with tissues whose renewal rates are fairly slow and thus take longer to recover from injury and stress (joints for example).
Luckily, there is a tried-and-true method of boosting telomerase to provide us with this added protection, sustained youthfulness, and potentially increased lifespan and health span. I'm sure it's very obvious by now, but that tried-and-true method, is meditation. It's been proven to boost telomerase production up to 40% in meditators https://shorturl.at/KtOqk. This is no small boost, and with the benefits telomerase has on telomeres, and consequently our DNA as a result, it would be wise to invest a little bit of time each day to a little bit of Zen work. You may be pleasantly surprised in the long run.
Meditation boosts nitric oxide
With the variety of methods, we've discussed thus far in this article and their role in extending health span and lifespan, boosting nitric oxide also has its place in the discussion. Nitric oxide is responsible for so many amazing things in the human body it deserves its own post altogether! But it is too important to leave off of this one as well. Nitric oxide, not to be confused with "nitrous" oxide AKA laughing gas, assist the body with lowering blood pressure (through blood vessel dilation), stimulating the immune system, bacteria killing properties, improves cardiac health, improves healing, enhances athletic performance, improves erection quality, helps nerve cells communicate, helps maintain vascular smooth muscle, and more.
When taking into account all of the above benefits, this molecule can be seen as somewhat of an elixir of life. It has even been noted in research on both humans and animals alike that when fasting or in a calorie deficit (which have been proven to extend lifespan consistently and without fail), nitric oxide levels are greatly elevated. This is not the only way to boost production of this powerful molecule, and it may not even be the very best. Enter the power of meditation!
Meditation boosts nitric oxide over 1000%
Research shows that experienced meditators possessed 10 times the nitric oxide of non-meditators, https://shorturl.at/Dk2Zk. This was found in individuals practicing meditation at altitude. Though it was also found that the miracle molecule was increased over 200% even in novice meditators at sea-level. This can prove to be a major hidden benefit for anyone looking to reap all that can be gained from a deliberate mindfulness practice routine.
So, with everything that this ancient practice can do for not just the mind but also the body, I find it worth putting at least 20 minutes aside daily for it. We've only touched the surface of what's in store for us when we use meditation to our advantage, its life extending properties are a major one. But I would say even more important than that is the improvements in quality of life it can provide, it's one of the very best stress management techniques at our disposal, it costs us nothing, is easy to do, and directly counters the primary causes of accelerated aging (stress & inflammation).
To all of my beloved readers, go out there and get your zen on!