Titus Perry
5-alpha reductase is a molecule that directly increases DHT production. DHT (dihydrotestosterone) is known as the most potent androgenic hormone in the male body.
DHT and 5-alpha reductase are very closely linked. DHT is made from testosterone through a conversion caused by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme and is in fact more potent than testosterone in its longevity as it binds to androgen receptors in the body up to 3 times longer than testosterone.
DHT is most credited for its androgenic effects, namely its role in the expression of male specific traits and characteristics. These traits and characteristics are akin to the growth of body and facial hair, development of the Adams apple, deepening of the voice, growth and functionality of sexual organs (prostate included), increased nervous system strength and so on.
5-alpha reductase is primarily involved in the metabolism of steroid hormones and DHT is the hormone it normally metabolizes into. Every man wants to know how to optimize his testosterone (which is why you're reading this right?), and while testosterone is vital to your health as a man in every way, one of its main benefits is in its ability to convert to the much stronger androgen that is DHT. Beyond the benefits listed above, DHT is also important in its role in ensuring that the male sexual organs reach full physical and functional maturity. Unbalanced or low levels of DHT can result in...
*Loss of energy
*Low sex drive
*Sexual dysfunction/erectile dysfunction
*Low or nonexistent body and facial hair
*Physical weakness
*Low stress tolerance
DHT is also said to be 3-5 times stronger than testosterone in its androgenic effects! That's quite a bit if you ask me! There are some that believe it to be even stronger as stated by Stephen Buhner, author of The Natural Testosterone Plan for Sexual Health and Energy, DHT has as much as ten times greater binding ability to androgen receptor sites as testosterone and as stated above remains active in these receptor sites up to 3 times longer. It is far stronger than the almighty T and to add the cherry on top of everything, not only can DHT not be converted to the female dominant hormone class of estrogens (namely estradiol) through aromatization, but it actively blocks the actions of aromatase enzymes from working on it at all. There is no estrogen conversion that comes with DHT, while simultaneously inhibiting aromatase activity altogether! This leaves you with the available benefits of DHT without interruption!
So, with all the good a little extra DHT can bring you I'm sure you are ready to hear about some of the best supplements that can help you boost your DHT and keep them balanced at healthy levels. So here they are....
1. SORGHUM (sorghum bicolor)
Sorghum is a flowering plant in the grass family of Poceae. It's a lesser-known grain originating mostly from Africa and Australia. It also happens to be naturally gluten-free which should make it suitable for just about anyone.
There are studies that show the effectiveness of sorghum extract. This study showed that supplementing with sorghum extract increased DHT by up to 54%. Sorghum is very versatile and can be used as a flour/powder when baking, or in its supplement form as an extract.
Creatine (creatine monohydrate) has been proven effective in several studies to increase DHT as well as testosterone. As creatine seems to almost be the king of all-natural muscle and strength promoting supplements, it's no wonder it's made its way onto this list as well. If you don't believe creatine increases DHT and testosterone levels here's some of the evidence for you to put those doubts aside (study, study, study...)
As far as the brand you use, it shouldn't matter much, pure untampered creatine monohydrate works.
Butea Superba is an ancient herb that originates from Thailand. It's well noted as an effective aphrodisiac. Butea is noted to also be anti-inflammatory, improves bone mineral density, benefits heart health, and increases blood flow to promote sexual health as well.
These are some of the top supplements that can be added to your routine that'll jack you up and assist in making you a little bit more manly than yesterday. Of course, these are just supplements, and your lifestyle is what will make or break your hormonal balance (alongside genetics), so always ensure you look at your life factors first before adding anything new to the supplement cabinet, as they won't make any meaningful difference otherwise.